The Organizational Cancer
Hello and welcome to TimeMaker’s next tip for efficiency and effectiveness.
Today we will be covering the silent killer of any organization – cancer.
Much like a body, the “organizational cancer” is silent. But what is cancer in the body really and what is the organizational cancer?
Most people cringe just at hearing the word “cancer”, but most people also don’t really know what it is…!
Cancer is a belief by a part of the body that it has no future. Therefore, that part of the body goes into an insane effort to survive and recreate itself and hence, like any insane action, this brings about destruction.
Cancer happens in a body due to long-term nutrition disturbance that causes an incomplete operation of
one or more parts of the body.
The body is an organization (like any other) that is composed of “anchor” points. An anchor point is any vital point on which a foundation is built. The body has anchor points like the head, arms, elbows etc. The body also has a communication system and a mind. The body gets its commands from the spirit.
To have cancer, one or more parts of the body does not PRODUCE what it is supposed to produce - or it does not produce properly in some way. That part stopped being part of the team - –the body.
Now, let’s look at an organization.
An organization is composed of anchor points (like people, phones, computers, etc.). An organization has a communication system (the lines by which information flows); and an organization has a mind (the organizational data). This is all controlled by its executives (the spirit behind the activity).
To have cancer, like in the body, one or more parts of the organization does not PRODUCE what it is supposed to produce - or it does not produce properly in some way. That part stopped being part of the team – the company.
The results can be seen as DELAYS.